QLD Flood Tips:

23rd March 2021

Keep an eye Queensland Weather and Warnings:

Through to website.

(You can download the App from the link)

Regional Flood Assistance:

Through to website.

Maintaining health during floods:

Floodwater can be extremely polluted, so understanding how to reduce your risk of injury, sickness or infection during and in the aftermath of floods and storms is important. It includes advice on drinking water, mosquito control, household safety and clean-ups, food, medication and more.

Through to website.

Flood safe your pet:

Through to website.

Disaster Management – Get Ready Queensland:

Through to website.

Links to warnings and alerts and other disaster management information

Community Recovery hotline:

1800 173 349

General enquiries and assistance:

13 QGOV or 13 74 68



SES assistance in floods and storms:

132 500


13 432 584

Road traffic and travel information:

13 19 40


13 11 14

Marine Rescue Queensland:

1800 073 7283

National Relay Service:

13 36 77

RSPCA QLD 24/7 Animal emergencies:

1300 264 625

RSPCA QLD Lost and found:

1300 363 736

Biosecurity Queensland – for stranded livestock:

13 25 23

Australian Red Cross:

1800 812 028

QLD Community Recovery Hotline:

1800 173 349

Small businesses – disaster recovery information and advice:

1300 731 988

Natural disaster legal helpline:

1300 527 700

Disaster Welfare Services:

1800 018 444

Provide disaster relief grants to eligible individuals and families whose homes have been significantly damaged or destroyed. Provides assistance for those with limited financial resources and no insurance