23rd February 2021
Applications are now open for the West Kimberley Aboriginal Leaders and Women in Business Conference being held on the 13th to the 15th April 2021 on Bunuba country. .Kimberley Jiyigas supported by Indigenous Business Australia (IBA), will host a two day West Kimberley Aboriginal Leaders and Womens in Business Forum (WK ALWIB Forum). This ‘Wiyi in Business’ event follows on from the inaugural women’s forum at Caroline Pool, Halls Creek, and seeks to identify and support Aboriginal women in business and leadership. The WK ALWIB forum is open to Aboriginal women leaders and business owners, particularly Aboriginal women living in the West Kimberley. .Click on the link below to apply to attend.
Applications close on Friday 5 March. Kimberley Jiyigas will notify all applicants by Tuesday 9 March 2021. Limited places, so get your application in quick.