1st September 2022
Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I am a mother of 2 kids 20 and 14 years. Very proud of our family and my supportive partner Jeremy. We have been living on Kabi Kabi / Gubbi Gubbi Country, Sunshine coast area since 1984.
Through shared knowledge of my mother and father of mixed backgrounds and cultures, my own journeys, insights and wisdom, I have grown my knowledge and confidence by learning who I am in heart to share. This has come through the knowing and understanding of the importance of connection for all of us in safe space.
Ochres, Crystals, wood, art and sound are what find to be most healing for myself and I share with others the sacredness of connection through respect and knowledge to connect, heal self and mother earth.
Can you tell us about your business?
Ocher Bee is a Grounding and Connection service that creates safe space to be ourselves. Immersions with Cultural Connection with Mother Nature.
With respect and Acknowledgement beyond words for all Traditional Owners of Country of which we share and connect. We always respect Elders and also gratitude and honor of the guidance and protection share with ancestors along our journeys.
We create products and activities that allow all to take part, hands on, experiences, a moment to take your space now, to connect. To connect with Culture, with self, with heart space, with Mother Nature, with community.
We cater for all groups and ages. From Community to individual sessions, to corporate or large events.
What was the biggest challenge you have faced in business, and how did you overcome it?
Having the confidence and feeling and knowing your enough.
I started to sit in heart space more and know why I keep moving forward rather then sitting in self doubt and wondering why I couldn’t do it.
Is there any other information or encouragement you would like to share with other Indigenous Women?
I have always shared a few words that pushed me to start, from gorgeous Aunty Terri Waller- Sev Gen. “Start before you’re ready”
Beautiful mother, family, sisters of community and very strong Aunties of community all have helped me share my light also through this challenge. allowing me to see my own wisdom’s.
Another to remember, Heart to Heart share: “Challenging moments only make as stronger, it is these moments, in the long term, with the learning gained, that create our ease and grace”.
I would love to connect you can find me here: